Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day Nine: B:
Ibuprofen is my new favorite snack. My back is better but slight tendonitis in my right knee.
H/E not bad after a monster day. First 4 hours NO RAIN finally! But then scattered showers, the rest of the day. Think straining into the wind is hurting my knee, and my chapped lips are killing me. Put sunscreen on constantly but think the wind dries it out. Will get zinc in TO. Strangely at least one thing seems improved by the weather, my skin is better than at home.

Stopped for lunch (roast beef sandwich and diet coke) at a roadside cafĂ© for the first time. It just appeared at the right time out of the blue so it seemed a good idea. Still wearing all three jackets so it’s not much warmer, but not complaining since at least rain is “scattered showers” not driving sheets. Haven’t seen any sign of Canada day celebrations. (perhaps Saint. Jean- Baptiste Day last week was all there is in Quebec).

I have found a new distraction though, instead of counting kms as I usually do, am counting down the creation dates of each town I pass, from Riviere–Du-Loup 1605 to the latest one at 1704 as I move up the St. Lawrence.

Wind up having a monster day, don’t stop till Tracy, about 70 kms from Montreal. Thank you Leslie for very kind offer (to stop at her moms and do laundry!) would love it, but won’t be stopping long enough. (C: mmm for Leslie's chocolate ganoush cupcakes maybe. He might detour to TO for that! Sounds much better, amazing what a little sunshine will do.)

217 kms-10 hrs 41 minutes-1,644 total


  1. Sounding good, and am now working on a good ETA for you at Chez Eley! Have you tried Vaseline on your lips? Might hold better than sunscreen. Weather is perking up here, so let's hope it makes its way east towards you - beer on the sundeck looks like a go! Have plenty of Keiths, but ask Carmel to tell us what you'd REALLY like!

  2. Brian,
    Am happily following your progress from the comfort of my easy chair (having been through my own version last month).
    Keep up the great work and remember to keep the rubber side down. You are living the dream.
    Chris C.
