Monday, June 28, 2010

Day Six: B: (as told to C) Gorgeous. Started off in the rain (of course), but after 5 minutes it stopped and the sun shines. Drop the arm warmers, put on sunblockers(white arm protection wear), and super sunsreen on lips ( they are chapped, sunburned, raw, even though I wear sunscreen every day).

Its a beautiful day, less hilly, riding through a valley still in New Brunswick. Usually I take side roads to avoid the TC, but today stay on it (sometimes better riding because it has wide shoulders); but it isn't built for cyclists as I find when I come to bridge with a sign "No Bikes". (What do I do go back ten km?) I wind up in Woodstock.
A little l0nger than usual because its a beautifuly day and expected to rain tomorrow.

193 kms-9 hrs 9 minues-947kms in 6 days (one seventh of the approximate distance-7 thousand across C).

1 comment:

  1. Wow ... had to switch to Google maps when I realised how you were eating up the miles. Way to go! Weather has got to get better, although you might pray for cool rain when you hit our humidity - it's either one kind of trial or the other! Anyway, you're doing great - I'm very proud to be ... Your Dad.
