Friday, July 9, 2010

Day Eighteen: Left Collingwood early (in the rain) but it cleared by noon. Planning to catch the 7 am ferry tomorrow morning (no reservation needed), for the 2 hr crossing. Today was slightly cooler than yesterdays 30 plus sweltering heat, so it was easier going, but it was a challenge because of the road repair. For one bone shattering stretch it was almost like walking the bike through a gravel pit.

Met a stranger on the hwy, a woman mid-forties (retired teacher) who was cycling across Canada too.....only she was doing it leisurely. C: Still a feat! B: She cycled from Vancouver to Winnipeg last year, and this year flew to Winnipeg and is cycling to St. John's. Good thing she's retired though cause she started June 12 and has only done 1,500 kms (the tourist bike tour). C: snob!

Several close calls on the road as cars speed two abreast to pass each other heading right at me. Am I invisible? On more than one occasion I was shocked when I looked up to see them bearing down on me. $%$# scary! I don't think they concider a bike -a vehicle. I've been cut so close its
chilling. C: Well it helps you stay cool then! As Larry & Dave P tell me when I'm running -head up-head up! B: Finish in Tobermory. Beautiful, scenic, romantic. (ooh forget it..focus, focus)
176 kms-8 hrs 50 minutes-2,678 kms total

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