Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day Four: B: Brutal. Brutal. Brutal. Long and brutal. Lunchstop in Charlottetown, P.E.I. Legs and back sore, headwinds again, but sunny (at least). Now waiting at Confederation Bridge for crossing to N.B. The day -132 km -the total-564 km in 4 days.


  1. It sounds like one of those awful O Meets, where you were soaked and freezing before getting to the map! Remember the advice I used to give you aeons ago - pace yourself; to paraphrase The Bandit: You got a long way to go, and as long as it takes to git there! Thinking of you ...

  2. Even through the shadow of your face, you appear to have that "let's get on with this" look. Embrace the rain; wind is your'll dry off the rain. hahaha

  3. Sounds like fun!?

  4. The sign in the background offers a double-edged ironyy. Yuk Yuk could refer to the weather conditions or just simply the idea of cycling across Canada.

    Keep up the amazing ride Brian. I am looking forward to virtually celebrating with you at the finish line!
